Healthy Bees Supply the Healthiest Honey

Our Flourishing Bees Collect Pollen in the Finest Conditions

Clean Air Sourced

Our honey comes from protected lands: Pristine, wild fields and woodland forests miles away from freeways, parking lots, jet engines, Diesel trucks, and processing plants.


We believe nature should remain natural. Our bees are far from any sprayed plants and never collect pollen around pesticides. We believe substances that harm plants harm bees and humans as well. Chemicals are not good for plants, bees, or people. They are avoided by all means.

Rain, Rain, Rain

Thanks to the wet weather patterns that the Great Northwest is known for, our happy bees dominate the evergreen landscape! All of the plants that they pollinate are watered by the heavens daily and in turn produce fresh oxygen and excellent nectar.

Hives Bee Changing Lives

hives changing lives honey benefits organic raw
Why I started Bee Even Stronger Honey

After discovering honey bees on our land, I went into full research mode, learning how to tend to hives. I knew the many amazing benefits of honey, from the time I was a young athlete. And, wow! What an amazing syrupy-gold substance it is! Naturally boosting health and wellness in more ways than I could imagine!

Therefore, I am excited to share the knowledge I have learned:

1. First from past wisdom from ancient history.

2. Also by applying what my grandma taught me about the basic health benefits of this sweet, bee-treated nectar. Because I love her wisdom, and she lived to 100 young.

3. Then using what I learned about it as an athlete, trainer, body sculptor.

4. And reading and listening to what new research and scientific studies have shown.

5. Lastly, taking notes from what the bees and practiced beekeepers have revealed through dedication, hard work, and precision.

Amazing Health Benefits

Furthermore, I want to share the health benefits and importance of this golden gift in a well-balanced diet and lifestyle. Pure, organic, and raw honey delivers powerful and natural antibiotics, vitamins, and minerals to your body. For this reason, I call it the honey BOOST- a tasty and fun journey full of new bodily feelings.

As you probably know, honey has been around for thousands of years.

The first ancient pot of honey was discovered to be from 2700 B.C. in ancient Egypt.Honey_pot_simple Consequently, humans relied on bees throughout history. Now, we re-discover what others practiced for centuries before us. At length, the human body developed under honey’s influence, and mankind grew stronger from it and evolved over thousands of years.

First and foremost, nature provides everything necessary to the human body.honey_hive_natural
Another ancient wisdom insite from Hippocrates (in 400 B.C.) states, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition” ~ Thomas Edison

Now, let Bee Even Stronger join you in your honey BOOST journey. Follow us on Instagram @Bee_Even_Stronger to discover what real strength is. And how this ancient glycogen source meets your everyday needs in ways you only ever imagined.honey_boost

The Bee Building Life

Why We Beelieve in Honey

How We BEEgan

Our mission to bring delicious honey to all athletes and goal setters began unexpectedly. However, we are excited to bring you along our honey journey. Click here to read the whole story...

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We reside in Oregon and havepick up locations in

Southern California.

To save on shipping, Send Us an Email or Give Us a Call to Pick Up an Order.

Sarah Mackey


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